UK Invests is a first-of-its-kind program designed to help you learn about money the easy way. How? Through improving your financial literacy. As you become involved, practice healthy behaviors, build your skills and learn about investing, UK will deposit money into a brokerage account created for you.
Here’s how:
1. Download the app.
Get your Fidelity app by clicking here on your mobile device. You’ll have to share some personal information to sign up, which is required for all brokerage accounts, but don’t worry – the app is secure.
2. Visit your UK Invests Canvas course.
Once you successfully download the app, you will be added to the UK Invests Canvas course. There, you will learn how to get free money through UK Invests, including a list of incentives you can complete to earn dollars.
3. Earn money.
After you complete the incentives, UK will put money in your account as you build healthy habits like going to tutoring, hitting the gym or taking online finance courses. Deposits will be made every two weeks.
4. Watch your money grow.
Choose among the investment options offered in the app. Then, let time do its thing and watch your investments grow during your time at UK and beyond.